So I've finally done it. I've put together a blog. Don't let the name confuse you. This is not some hipster, emo, goth whine about the meaning of existence while I cut myself listening to Bright Eyes sitting in a cafe where people cut onions in front of me in order to make me cry so I can express my feelings to the girl sitting next to me and she'll think I'm sensitive and want to date me but I'm too much of a wuss to actually ask her out...type blog.
This is a warning.
They are coming.
...we'll see how long this lasts...though I actually would like to keep something going. I just figured I'd start somewhere to see how well I keep up with it.
I'll tell you what the hardest part was though: coming up with a damn tittle/URL. Seriously! I had a lot of good ideas and all of them were taken. And the worst part was that 93.18% of the time it was some week ass lameo who made a couple of posts back in 2002 along the lines of "Oh, this is my new blog. How does this work?" They make me vomit nails. The other 6.37% of the time were actual blogs that had spanned a decent number of posts so I was okay with that. They beat me to it and actually made use of it. And that last 0.45% were a couple of names that Google wouldn't let me use in the first place.
Now obviously if I had moved to a different service there's a chance that I could have had some of those names. And if this pans out into anything that actually becomes something that may happen. However, I do not expect anyone to read this. And I don't care. It's not for you. It's not even for me. Those who it is for will know it is for them and will act accordingly.
How well do you sleep at night?