07 May 2013

Cut Off and Alone

I actually do want to start writing more. There is still a lot to say.

The problem, as I have mentioned in in the past, is time. Only this time it's slightly more legit than usual.

As some of you maybe don't know I now have a job that, while not space related, is still pretty cool and at the very least actual engineering. However this not space related but still pretty cool job requires me to work in a facility where I cannot have a phone (because it has a camera), external email or internet access. As a result when I walk through the door it's almost as if the rest of the world disappears. I didn't know about Boston until almost six hours later, and if I hadn't been moving Flower's car I might not have for even longer.

Needless to say my connectivitness and internet consumption has decreased dramatically since I started here. I do have a desk phone. So there is that. Except who the hell remembers phone numbers anymore?! I did have a sudden burst of inspiration one day and picked up the phone to call The Cheese Puff (one of the few non-childhood numbers I ever memorized) and then realized that she changed her number in order to get me to stop calling and texting her all the time, but then felt guilty about it and gave me the number anyway utterly defeating the purpose of the two days of torment she spent trying to get a cell carrier to do...well...anything.

It has created some interesting developments in the little connectivity and internet consumption I do participate in now. As an example: in the 6.02(10^23) RSS feeds I have stuck in Google Reader over the years I used to, at the very least, read through the headlines of just about all of them because I would do it over the course of a day. Now I'm A: lucky if I even bother to read more then a couple of the comic strips or key feeds and 2: flip through just about all of it stopping only if a picture or keyword catches my eye.

It's not just the internet though. Video games are suffering as well. Though I think that's less to do with a sudden lack of free time and more to do with the ever increasing infinite queue of games to play. It really did take a while, but the day I came to accept that I would never get to play all the games I wanted to play was simultaneously heart breaking and wonderfully freeing.

Though I did finally start that petition...

We crave connection. If we loose that, they will fill it.