Is it just me or is job searching probably the worst thing ever invented? Seriously, I'm pretty sure it is the worst non medical procedure ever. I haven't really even started (again) and already I hate it. Though I suppose we're not talking about job searching here, but career searching. The difference between "Yeah, I can do that," and "Yeah, I WANT to do that." Sometimes you find one, sometimes the other. Occasionally you find both. Hell, even back when there WAS an economy job searching sucked. Why can't some benevolent fairy godmother flutter her way down, wave her magic wand and turn the pumpkin into a spaceship and and the mice into an Alcubierre drive? Then we fly off to Betelgeuse, prop up the Hrung, and get back in time for supper. Though let's be realistic here, we wouldn't come back.
But, back to short brass nails with circular, sometimes domed, heads. Job searching is teh suck. And then the interviews. OH GOD THE INTERVIEWS. There are two types of interviews: the ones where you know they're considering you and/or you know you're getting the job, and the ones where you know you don't have a chance in hell. Oh, three: the ones where the interviewer looks at your resume and ACUTALLY says, "I don't see a lot here that's relevant to what we do." And then they give you a pop quiz. I whole heartedly regret not just standing up and walking out of that interview without saying anything. And then there are the interviews where they keep calling you, "Tell me a little about your, sounds like you have some good experience...what we're really looking for is to hire a couple entry level engineers." Translation: "Tell me a little about your, sounds like you have a lot of relevant experience and would probably work well here however we're not willing/able/willing to pay you what you're actually worth so I'm just going to say 'entry level' at you a couple more times hoping that you'll say something stupid like 'oh yeah, sure, I'll take entry level pay' but it doesn't appear as if it's going to happen in this conversation so I'll call you back in a week hoping you're more desperate then."
I despise incompetence.
One would think that if you are a purveyor of vending machines that in turn purveys coffee (or rather a tinted liquid in a cup) that you would design said machines to dispense an amount of tinted liquid relative to the size of the receptacle. What I mean by this is an amount of liquid that sits a centimeter or so below the lip of the container thus minimizing the risk of spillage. NOT filling up the tinted liquid receptacle with exactly the same volume of tinted liquid as the receptacle, thus maximizing spillage. Then again, I don't blame the company for this. I blame society and all the cheap asses who would look at that cup and say "gosh darn it those less then kind folks at the tinted liquid vending machine company done cheated me on (Pi*h)/3*(d^2+db+b^2) ml of tinted liquid! I demand compensation of $435,327 for the pain and anguish I have had to endure knowing that my $0.65 cup of tinted liquid will be lacking (Pi*h)/3*(d^2+db+b^2) * x mg of caffeine, where x is the concentration of caffeine in the specific variety of tinted liquid I have selected, which will impact my performance and cause me great suffering!"
The Japanese got it right. Soft shell crabs in a vending machine? Hellz yeah! And I bet they don't overflow. When put your hard earned Yen in that vending machine you know it's going to fill that soft shell crab receptacle up to a reasonable level in order to minimize spillage. And a Japanese person would understand this! Why? BECAUSE THEY DO THEIR BEST! WHO DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING?! Also: pod hotels.
This "coffee" tastes like warm water with a hint of crap. Just a hint mind you. Don't want to overpower the delicate bouquet of the warm water.
I'll come clean: I had to look up the volume of a frustum.
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